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Saint Louis, Missouri

St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season

Rehab Center
Outpatient Detox and Treatment
Medicaid and Medicare accepted


St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season is an substance abuse treatment center that provides outpatient detoxification, for men and women from 18+ years of age. As part of their special programs, St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season treats pregnant/postpartum women and clients who have experienced trauma. To help patients achieve sobriety, St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season provides treats opioids detoxification and medication routinely used during detoxification.. Afterward, patients receive cognitive behavioral therapy, telemedicine/telehealth therapy, and substance use disorder counseling during treatment. St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season is located in Saint Louis, Missouri, providing treatment for people in Saint Louis County, accepting cash or self-payment, medicaid, and medicare.

St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
  • Private health insurance


  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Interim services for clients
  • Outreach to persons in the community
  • Screening for substance use

Age Groups

  • Young adults
  • Adults

Ancillary Services

  • Case management service
  • Social skills development
  • Opioid use disorder clients only

Treatment At St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season

Conditions Treated


Alcohol addiction is a health problem where drinking takes control over a person's life. It affects how their brain thinks and acts, leading to strong desires to drink, bad feelings, sudden actions, and discomfort when not drinking. To help someone with this problem, there are treatments like detox, counseling, group support, and learning coping methods. While treatment can't completely cure the urge to drink, it helps people regain control of their lives and feel better overall.

Substance use treatment:

Substance abuse treatment programs can help to address addiction and, if relevant, any co-occurring mental health conditions. Programs include outpatient, inpatient, dual-diagnosis, and partial hospitalization. The addict will receive therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, or dialectical behavioral therapy, and sometimes complementary therapies like acupuncture and mindfulness-based therapy. By attending skills training and recovery groups you’ll build a strong foundation for your recovery and strengthen your support network, increasing your chances of long-term recovery success.

Levels Of Care


Outpatient treatment in a rehab center offers flexible therapy sessions, typically ranging from 1-3 hours per week, allowing individuals to continue daily activities while receiving care. In contrast, intensive outpatient programs demand a more rigorous commitment, often involving 9-15 hours weekly, providing a more immersive therapeutic environment without the need for inpatient stays.

Outpatient detoxification:

Outpatient Detoxification is a medical procedure designed for individuals dealing with substance dependence. It involves a carefully managed and supervised withdrawal from these substances, all without the need for hospitalization or inpatient care. This approach empowers patients to undergo detox from drugs or alcohol within a less confining setting, permitting them to sustain their regular daily obligations such as work or family responsibilities. Comprehensive monitoring, medication administration, counseling, and supportive measures are provided to effectively manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize potential complications.

Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine or naltrexone treatment:

Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is a comprehensive treatment program for individuals with opioid use disorder. It involves the long-term prescribing of methadone, a synthetic opioid, to patients in an effort to reduce or eliminate their use of illicit opioids, such as heroin. When provided at an appropriate dose and in conjunction with counseling and other support services, MMT can help to stabilize patients' lives, reduce illicit drug use, and lower the risks of drug-related harm, such as overdose and transmission of infectious diseases.

Regular outpatient treatment:

Traditional outpatient therapy typically involves attending one or two weekly sessions over the course of up to a year. These sessions are less frequent compared to other therapies, as outpatient therapy is designed for longer-term treatment. During these sessions, participants engage in group therapy or individual counseling, with a primary focus on identifying personal triggers and acquiring effective coping strategies.


Aftercare refers to the structured support and programs offered to individuals after completing an initial treatment phase for substance abuse or other disorders. Recognizing that recovery is an ongoing process, aftercare provides continued counseling, skill-building, group therapy, and resources to help individuals maintain sobriety, manage triggers, and reintegrate into daily life, reducing the risk of relapse and ensuring long-term success in recovery.

Treatment Modalities

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the critical role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It aims to identify and challenge distorted or negative thought patterns and behaviors, teaching individuals to replace them with more constructive and rational beliefs. CBT is evidence-based and has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of psychological disorders, including depression, anxiety, and phobias, among others.

Telemedicine/telehealth therapy:

Telehealth Therapy is a level of care that offers psychological counseling and therapeutic services to individuals via digital platforms, such as video conferencing, phone calls, or messaging apps. This approach allows clients to connect with qualified therapists remotely, providing increased accessibility, flexibility, and convenience, especially for those who may have mobility issues, live in remote areas, or prefer the comfort of their own environment. By leveraging technology, Telehealth Therapy bridges the gap between patients and mental health professionals, ensuring continuity of care irrespective of physical distances.

Substance use disorder counseling:

Substance use disorder counseling treatment modalities refer to various approaches and methods used in the counseling and treatment of individuals with substance use problems. This can include individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, family therapy, and 12-step programs. The goal is to help the individual overcome their substance use, develop healthy coping skills, and lead a fulfilling life in recovery.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma therapy addresses the deep-seated emotional and psychological wounds often linked with substance abuse disorders. Recognizing that traumatic experiences can be a root cause or a significant contributing factor to substance addiction, this therapeutic approach seeks to help individuals understand, process, and heal from their traumas. Doing so fosters emotional healing and bolsters the individual's chances of long-term recovery from addiction. Integrating trauma-informed care into addiction treatment ensures a comprehensive approach that addresses substance abuse's symptoms and underlying causes.

Group counseling:

Group therapy entails therapeutic sessions conducted in a collective setting rather than one-on-one. It encompasses various modalities, from support groups and experiential therapy to psycho-education and beyond. The approach focuses on treatment and emphasizes the dynamic interactions and shared experiences among group members.

Family counseling:

Family Counseling is a therapeutic approach that seeks to address and improve communication, understanding, and dynamics within a family unit. By addressing conflicts, emotional distress, and behavioral challenges, a trained therapist provides guidance and tools for family members to strengthen bonds, resolve issues, and foster a healthier family environment.

12-step facilitation:

Recovery approaches rooted in 12-step programs prioritize extensive peer mentorship and highlight personal development as a cornerstone for maintaining sobriety. Attending 12-step meetings, which are confidential, cost-free, and held daily, is a fundamental component. The 12 steps are grounded in spiritual tenets, guiding participants to confront the core issues of their addiction, assume accountability for their decisions, and recognize aspects out of their control. Chosen sponsors offer individualized guidance and support.

Intervention Services:

Intervention refers to organized efforts designed to guide individuals away from potentially harmful behaviors or decisions and towards healthier alternatives. Often used in the context of substance abuse or addiction, these services employ a structured approach where professionals, loved ones, and peers come together to confront the individual in a supportive manner, emphasizing the need for change and providing pathways for treatment or assistance. The goal is to break through denial, facilitate recognition of the problem, and initiate positive change.

Contingency management/motivational incentives:

Contingency management and motivational incentives are evidence-based treatment modalities used in addiction and behavioral health programs. Contingency management involves the use of rewards to reinforce positive behaviors and change negative behaviors, while motivational incentives provide incentives to engage in treatment and sustain recovery. Both approaches are designed to increase motivation and engagement in treatment and have been shown to be effective in promoting positive outcomes.

Motivational interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered counseling approach designed to enhance an individual's intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. Through empathetic engagement and evoking personal reasons for change, MI helps individuals recognize the negative consequences of their substance use and empowers them to take steps toward recovery.

Anger management:

The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. It is generally impossible to avoid all people and settings that incite anger. But a person may learn to control reactions and respond in a socially appropriate manner. The support of a mental health professional may be helpful in this process.

Matrix Model:

The Matrix Model involves clients in group and individual counseling, psychoeducation, and skill-building exercises to boost self-awareness, coping skills, and overall well-being. It prioritizes creating a supportive and collaborative therapeutic environment, motivating active client participation in addressing addiction's physical, emotional, and social dimensions. This model integrates evidence-based treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy, 12-step facilitation, family education, and relapse prevention into a comprehensive program.

Community reinforcement plus vouchers:

Community Reinforcement and Vouchers (CR+V) is a behavior-focused treatment approach aimed at helping individuals with substance use disorders maintain abstinence and improve their quality of life. In CR+V, participants receive intensive counseling and support to reinforce healthy behaviors, along with vouchers or small incentives to reward drug-free behavior and treatment attendance. These vouchers can be exchanged for desirable items or services, providing a tangible motivation for individuals to stay substance-free and engaged in their recovery process. By merging positive reinforcement with tangible rewards, CR+V aims to create a supportive environment conducive to sustained recovery and reduced substance use.

Relapse prevention:

The Relapse Prevention Model is a cognitive-behavioral approach aimed at minimizing or preventing relapses in individuals recovering from addictive behaviors. It incorporates strategies for recognizing and managing high-risk situations and triggers, enhancing self-efficacy, and developing coping skills. Through education, awareness, and self-monitoring, individuals are empowered to maintain their progress and avoid reverting to unhealthy behaviors. This model is essential in promoting long-term recovery and supporting individuals on their journey towards a substance-free life.

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual therapy, often referred to as psychotherapy or counseling, is a one-on-one therapeutic interaction between a trained therapist and a client. It provides a confidential space for individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, working through challenging memories, experiences, or emotions. The therapist facilitates self-awareness, promotes personal growth and insight, and offers coping strategies to manage specific issues like stress, anxiety, depression, and other life challenges. The ultimate goal is to improve the individual's mental well-being and enhance their overall quality of life.

Ancillary Services


  • Sign language services for the deaf and hard of hearing
  • Spanish
  • Other languages (excluding Spanish)
  • Russian

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • Mentoring/peer support
  • Drug or alcohol urine screening

Special Programs

  • Pregnant/postpartum women
  • Clients who have experienced trauma
St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season

Additional Locations

Meridian, Mississippi, 39301
Saint Louis, Missouri, 63114
Charlotte, North Carolina, 28269

Contact Information

St Louis Metro Treatment Center - New Season
Write a Review
9733 Saint Charles Rock Road, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63114
Updated January 30, 2023

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