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Wentzville, Missouri

Compass Health

Rehab Center
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Grants and Private Insurance accepted


Compass Health is a substance abuse treatment center for people seeking treatment near Saint Charles County. As part of their treatment modalities for recovery, Compass Health provides individual psychotherapy during treatment. Compass Health is located in Wentzville, Missouri, accepting cash or self-payment for treatment.

Compass Health at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
  • Private health insurance


  • Screening for tobacco use
  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Interim services for clients
  • Outreach to persons in the community

Age Groups

  • Children/adolescents
  • Young adults
  • Adults
  • Seniors

Ancillary Services

  • Case management service
  • Integrated primary care services
  • Psychosocial rehabilitation services
  • Suicide prevention services
  • Supported employment


State department of health:

Government agencies issue State Licenses, which grant rehabilitation organizations permission to conduct their operations lawfully within specific geographic regions. Licenses needed to operate are typically determined by the type of rehabilitation program offered by the facility and its physical location.

The Joint Commission:

The Joint Commission, previously known as JCAHO, is a nonprofit organization that accredits rehabilitation organizations and programs. Established in 1951, its mission is to enhance the quality of patient care and showcase excellence in healthcare delivery.

Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF):

CARF accreditation is a globally recognized certification for rehabilitation and human service organizations. It signifies that an organization meets high-quality standards and is committed to providing top-level care. Achieving CARF accreditation involves a rigorous evaluation process, including on-site surveys. This accreditation enhances an organization's reputation, instills trust in clients and funders, and encourages ongoing excellence in the field.

Federally Qualified Health Center:

Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) accreditation is a process of evaluation and recognition by the federal government for community health centers that provide comprehensive and accessible healthcare services to underserved populations. FQHC accreditation is essential for centers to receive federal funding and to ensure that they meet standards for quality, patient-centered care.

Treatment At Compass Health

Conditions Treated


Alcohol addiction is a condition where someone feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol, often leading to negative effects on their health, relationships, and daily life. To assist individuals grappling with alcohol addiction, various strategies exist. Initially, supervised detoxification may be necessary to ensure a safe cessation of alcohol consumption. Following this, counseling and therapy play a crucial role in addressing the psychological facets of the addiction. Engaging in support groups can also offer a sense of camaraderie and comprehension.

Mental health treatment:

Mental health facilities offer a safe space for individuals to get specialized care. Trained experts create personal plans using therapies, possibly including medication. The goal is to help individuals cope better and lead fulfilling lives, with constant support and a community feel.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation is a comprehensive treatment approach designed to assist individuals struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol. This form of rehabilitation addresses both the physical dependency, often starting with detoxification, and the psychological triggers, using various therapeutic methods. The objective is to empower individuals to achieve and maintain sobriety, while equipping them with the tools and coping strategies needed to reintegrate into society and lead a substance-free life.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabilitation centers often offer the most suitable approach for addressing concurrent mental health and substance abuse issues. These facilities typically employ a team of medical and behavioral specialists who utilize a variety of interventions and create a conducive healing environment to support your journey toward lasting recovery. Their comprehensive treatment approach typically encompasses evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, recovery support meetings, 12-step facilitation, psychoeducation, skills training, and group therapy to help you achieve and maintain long-term wellness.

Levels Of Care


Outpatient treatment in a rehab center offers flexible therapy sessions, typically ranging from 1-3 hours per week, allowing individuals to continue daily activities while receiving care. In contrast, intensive outpatient programs demand a more rigorous commitment, often involving 9-15 hours weekly, providing a more immersive therapeutic environment without the need for inpatient stays.

Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine or naltrexone treatment:

Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) offers an alternative to those battling opioid addiction. This regimen centers on the prolonged administration of methadone, an artificial opioid, aiming to decrease or halt the intake of unauthorized opioids like heroin. Coupled with the right dosage, counseling, and supplementary services, MMT can play a pivotal role in anchoring patients' lives, curtailing illicit substance consumption, and minimizing hazards associated with drug misuse, including overdoses and the spread of infections.

Intensive outpatient treatment:

Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) support clients in maintaining long-term sobriety by providing tailored, high-quality care that adapts to their changing requirements. Clients participate in several treatment sessions each week, typically receiving between nine to 20 hours of outpatient care weekly. As clients achieve stability, the treatment frequency and intensity gradually diminish. Many intensive outpatient rehabilitation centers provide a diverse range of services, such as addiction counseling, training in life skills geared towards recovery, and the option for medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Additionally, evidence-based complementary therapies are frequently integrated into the program.

Regular outpatient treatment:

Traditional outpatient therapy typically involves attending one or two weekly sessions over the course of up to a year. These sessions are less frequent compared to other therapies, as outpatient therapy is designed for longer-term treatment. During these sessions, participants engage in group therapy or individual counseling, with a primary focus on identifying personal triggers and acquiring effective coping strategies.


Aftercare refers to the structured support and programs offered to individuals after completing an initial treatment phase for substance abuse or other disorders. Recognizing that recovery is an ongoing process, aftercare provides continued counseling, skill-building, group therapy, and resources to help individuals maintain sobriety, manage triggers, and reintegrate into daily life, reducing the risk of relapse and ensuring long-term success in recovery.

Treatment Modalities

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual therapy, often referred to as psychotherapy or counseling, is a one-on-one therapeutic interaction between a trained therapist and a client. It provides a confidential space for individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, working through challenging memories, experiences, or emotions. The therapist facilitates self-awareness, promotes personal growth and insight, and offers coping strategies to manage specific issues like stress, anxiety, depression, and other life challenges. The ultimate goal is to improve the individual's mental well-being and enhance their overall quality of life.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the critical role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It aims to identify and challenge distorted or negative thought patterns and behaviors, teaching individuals to replace them with more constructive and rational beliefs. CBT is evidence-based and has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of psychological disorders, including depression, anxiety, and phobias, among others.

Dialectical behavior therapy:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach primarily to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder. It combines standard cognitive-behavioral techniques with distress tolerance, acceptance, and mindfulness concepts. DBT emphasizes the balance between accepting and changing behaviors, aiming to help patients build life skills, regulate emotions, and improve interpersonal relationships. It has since been adapted for and shown effectiveness in treating a variety of other mental health conditions.

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment:

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment is a comprehensive approach to treating individuals with both mental health and substance use disorders. It aims to address both conditions simultaneously through a coordinated and integrated approach. The goal is to improve overall well-being and reduce the risk of relapse.

Activity therapy:

Activity therapy is a therapeutic method aimed at aiding individuals in their journey to overcome physical dependencies or emotional hurdles. This therapeutic approach primarily seeks to engage individuals in imaginative activities that encourage favorable shifts in their thought processes. Activity therapy can be administered through individual sessions with a therapist or within a group context. Its overarching goal is to mitigate stress and anxiety while nurturing enhanced self-assurance and refined social interaction abilities.

Telemedicine/telehealth therapy:

Telehealth Therapy enables individuals to access mental health services remotely through digital technology. Utilizing secure video conferencing, individuals can engage with qualified therapists from the comfort of their home, overcoming geographical barriers and often reducing waiting times. This level of care offers a flexible and accessible approach to mental health support, especially beneficial for those with mobility issues, busy schedules, or residing in rural or underserved areas.

Substance use disorder counseling:

Substance use disorder counseling treatment modalities refer to various approaches and methods used in the counseling and treatment of individuals with substance use problems. This can include individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, family therapy, and 12-step programs. The goal is to help the individual overcome their substance use, develop healthy coping skills, and lead a fulfilling life in recovery.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma therapy delves into past traumatic events that might be influencing a client's current life experiences. Often, trauma serves as a significant precipitant or underlying cause of addiction. Such traumas can arise from childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, growing up with a mentally ill parent, early parental loss, and experiences of sexual assault in teen or adult years, among other circumstances. Trauma therapy aims to aid the individual in processing and navigating beyond these traumas, guided by the expertise and empathy of skilled mental health specialists.

Smoking/vaping/tobacco cessation counseling:

Tobacco Cessation Counseling is a specialized form of guidance and support aimed at helping individuals quit tobacco use. Through a combination of motivational strategies, behavioral techniques, and education on the health risks associated with tobacco, trained counselors assist users in understanding their addiction, developing a personalized quit plan, and navigating the challenges of withdrawal and relapse prevention. This counseling approach can significantly increase the likelihood of successfully quitting and maintaining a tobacco-free lifestyle.

Group counseling:

Group Counseling is a therapeutic approach where individuals come together under the guidance of a trained counselor to share experiences, offer support, and gain insights. This collective format promotes mutual understanding and growth, allowing participants to learn from one another's perspectives and challenges.

Family counseling:

Studies consistently show that the likelihood of sustainable recovery increases when family members are involved in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic elements might influence susceptibility to drug and alcohol dependence and mental health challenges. Family interactions frequently contribute to addiction triggers. However, with the right education, family members can become pivotal support pillars during rehabilitation.

Intervention Services:

Intervention services assist families and friends of addicts in orchestrating an intervention, a meeting where concerned individuals express their worries and urge the addict to seek treatment. Expert interventionists aid in planning, assembling, and conversing with the affected individual. They direct participants on how to convey the adverse effects of the addict's actions and emphasize the need for external assistance to tackle the addiction. The ultimate goal of an intervention is to encourage the addict to enter rehab and receive the necessary help.

Motivational interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered therapeutic approach that fosters behavioral change by assisting individuals in exploring and resolving ambivalence. Specifically tailored for addiction treatment, MI helps clients unearth their own motivations to quit substance use and empowers them to take the lead in their recovery journey. Therapists guide clients toward their goals and self-determined pathways to sobriety through empathetic conversation and skillful questioning.

Anger management:

"Anger Management" refers to a set of techniques and strategies designed to help individuals recognize and control their anger effectively. By understanding the triggers and responses to anger, individuals can learn to express themselves calmly and non-confrontational. Proper anger management prevents potential conflicts, ensures better interpersonal relationships, and promotes mental well-being and overall health.

Relapse prevention:

The Relapse Prevention Model is a cognitive-behavioral approach aimed at minimizing or preventing relapses in individuals recovering from addictive behaviors. It incorporates strategies for recognizing and managing high-risk situations and triggers, enhancing self-efficacy, and developing coping skills. Through education, awareness, and self-monitoring, individuals are empowered to maintain their progress and avoid reverting to unhealthy behaviors. This model is essential in promoting long-term recovery and supporting individuals on their journey towards a substance-free life.

Treatment for other addiction disorder:

Treatment for other addiction disorders typically involve a combination of therapy and medication. This may include individual therapy, group therapy, and behavioral therapy. Medications may be prescribed to help manage symptoms and reduce cravings. Additionally, support groups and aftercare programs can be beneficial in maintaining recovery and preventing relapse. The treatment modality should be tailored to the individual's specific needs and circumstances.

Ancillary Services


  • Sign language services for the deaf and hard of hearing

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • Mentoring/peer support
  • Breathalyzer or blood alcohol testing

Special Programs

  • Clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders
  • Clients who have experienced trauma

Contact Information

Compass Health
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1032 Crosswinds Court, Wentzville, Missouri, 63385
Updated December 26, 2023

DISCLAIMER: The facility name, logo and brand are the property and registered trademarks of Compass Health, and are being used for identification and informational purposes only. Use of these names, logos and brands shall not imply endorsement. BetterAddictionCare.com is not affiliated with or sponsored by Compass Health.

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