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Haverhill, Massachusetts

Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient

Mental Health
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Who Answers?


Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient is an accredited mental health treatment center that provides inpatient treatment for men between 18 and 65+ years of age. As part of their special programs, Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient treats clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. To help patients achieve sobriety, Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient provides intake assessments. Afterward, patients receive group counseling, family counseling, and motivational interviewing during treatment. Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient is located in Haverhill, Massachusetts, providing treatment for people in Essex County, accepting cash or self-payment, medicaid, and medicare.

Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
  • Private health insurance


  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Screening for tobacco use

Age Groups

  • Adults
  • Seniors or older adults
  • Seniors


  • Private for-profit organization


The Joint Commission:

The Joint Commission, previously known as JCAHO, is a nonprofit organization that accredits rehabilitation organizations and programs. Established in 1951, its mission is to enhance the quality of patient care and showcase excellence in healthcare delivery.

Treatment At Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient

Conditions Treated

Mental health treatment:

Mental health treatment provides a safe and structured environment where individuals can receive professional care and support for their mental health challenges. Within the facility, trained therapists, counselors, and medical staff work together to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each person's needs. Patients might participate in a variety of therapies, including individual counseling, group therapy, and possibly medication management. The goal is to equip individuals with the tools and strategies they need to cope with their conditions and lead fulfilling lives.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation is a structured program aimed at assisting individuals in overcoming their dependencies on drugs or alcohol. Through a combination of medical detoxification, counseling, and various therapeutic approaches, these programs strive to address the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. The goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to attain lasting sobriety, while also working to identify and address the underlying issues contributing to substance misuse. By fostering a supportive environment, substance use rehabilitation centers provide a pathway towards a healthier, substance-free life.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabs are usually the appropriate solution to treat co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. These facilities typically employ medical and behavioral experts who use a range of interventions, together with the right healing environment, for you to achieve and sustain long-term recovery. Treatment usually includes evidence-based therapies (like cognitive behavioral therapy), recovery support meetings, 12-step facilitation, psychoeducation, skills training, and group therapy.


Alcohol addiction is a disease that changes the way the brain works. It causes negative emotions, impulsive behavior, cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Treatment for alcohol addiction includes supervised detox, counseling and therapy, and support group participation. Rehabilitation does not cure alcoholism. Instead, it helps the individual manage their addiction, restore their functioning, and well-being.

Levels Of Care

Hospital inpatient treatment:

Inpatient treatment includes an all-encompassing residential therapeutic regimen, during which patients reside on-site for a period usually spanning 30 to 90 days. Within this immersive setting, individuals receive structured assistance, prioritizing their safety and fostering a dedication to recovery. The treatment modalities offered may include individual and group counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, holistic interventions, family therapy sessions, as well as experiential therapies. The overarching objective is to comprehensively address the physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions of addiction or mental health disorders, establishing a resilient groundwork for long-term healing.

Hospital inpatient/24-hour hospital inpatient:

At certain points in the recovery process, it's important to have support available 24/7. 24-hour clinical care offers a safe environment in which to recover from drug or alcohol addiction in peace, knowing medical detox and other treatment will happen with professionals on hand.

Treatment Modalities

Group counseling:

Group Therapy is a therapeutic space where individuals battling addiction come together to share experiences, gain insights, and support one another on their journey to recovery. Facilitated by trained professionals, this setting fosters communal healing and empowers participants to overcome the challenges of addiction through collective strength and understanding.

Family counseling:

Family Counseling is a therapeutic approach that seeks to address and improve communication, understanding, and dynamics within a family unit. By addressing conflicts, emotional distress, and behavioral challenges, a trained therapist provides guidance and tools for family members to strengthen bonds, resolve issues, and foster a healthier family environment.

Motivational Interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) in addiction treatment is a client-centered counseling approach designed to enhance an individual's intrinsic motivation to change. By addressing ambivalence and tapping into personal values, MI fosters meaningful conversations about substance use and promotes commitment to recovery-focused goals.

Nutrition Therapy:

Nutrition Therapy offers a holistic approach to recovery by addressing the body's dietary needs. Tailored to each individual, this therapy ensures optimal nutrient intake to support healing, boost immunity, and promote overall well-being, complementing other rehabilitation efforts for a comprehensive recovery journey.

Fitness Therapy:

Fitness therapy in addiction treatment integrates physical activity with traditional therapeutic practices to support recovery. It recognizes the profound connection between the mind and body, harnessing exercise's physiological and psychological benefits to enhance mental well-being, reduce cravings, and promote overall health. Incorporating routines such as yoga, strength training, and aerobic exercises, fitness therapy offers a holistic approach that aids in building resilience, reducing stress, and fostering a positive self-image – essential components for a sustained recovery journey.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of thoughts, emotions, and actions. It promotes healthy reactions to thoughts and emotions, steering individuals away from harmful responses such as substance abuse. Proven effective for various addiction recoveries, CBT enhances an individual's self-awareness and self-control. Through CBT, individuals learn to better gauge their emotional well-being, communicate more effectively, and handle stress without resorting to drugs or alcohol.

Dialectical behavior therapy:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach primarily to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder. It combines standard cognitive-behavioral techniques with distress tolerance, acceptance, and mindfulness concepts. DBT emphasizes the balance between accepting and changing behaviors, aiming to help patients build life skills, regulate emotions, and improve interpersonal relationships. It has since been adapted for and shown effectiveness in treating a variety of other mental health conditions.

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment:

Integrated Mental and Substance Use Disorder treatment is a comprehensive approach to treating individuals with both mental health and substance use disorders. It aims to address both conditions simultaneously through a coordinated and integrated approach. The goal is to improve overall well-being and reduce the risk of relapse.

Activity therapy:

Activity Therapy refers to a therapeutic approach utilized in rehab centers to promote physical, emotional, cognitive, and social healing. Through structured and guided activities, patients are encouraged to engage in tasks that stimulate the mind, enhance motor skills, foster interpersonal relationships, and bolster self-esteem. By participating in diverse activities, from arts and crafts to group games, patients not only distract from negative thoughts or behaviors but also develop coping mechanisms, resilience, and a sense of purpose. It's a holistic way of enhancing an individual's overall well-being while in the recovery process.

Smoking/vaping/tobacco cessation counseling:

Tobacco Cessation Counseling is a specialized form of guidance and support aimed at helping individuals quit tobacco use. Through a combination of motivational strategies, behavioral techniques, and education on the health risks associated with tobacco, trained counselors assist users in understanding their addiction, developing a personalized quit plan, and navigating the challenges of withdrawal and relapse prevention. This counseling approach can significantly increase the likelihood of successfully quitting and maintaining a tobacco-free lifestyle.

Ancillary Services


  • Sign language services for the deaf and hard of hearing

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • HIV testing

Special Programs

  • Clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders

Contact Information

Haverhill Pavilion Behavioral Health - Adult - Geriatric Inpatient
Write a Review
76 Summer Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts, 01830
Updated October 12, 2023

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