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Athens, Georgia

DM and ADR

Rehab Center
Outpatient Detox and Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Self-payment options
Who Answers?


DM and ADR is an accredited substance abuse treatment center that provides outpatient detoxification, for men and women from 18+ years of age. As part of their special programs, DM and ADR treats clients who have experienced trauma. To help patients achieve sobriety, DM and ADR provides treats opioids detoxification and medication routinely used during detoxification.. Afterward, patients receive cognitive behavioral therapy, substance use disorder counseling, and trauma-related counseling during treatment. DM and ADR is located in Athens, Georgia, providing treatment for people in Jackson County, accepting cash or self-payment, medicaid, and medicare.

DM and ADR at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Federal, or any government funding for substance use treatment programs
  • SAMHSA funding/block grants


  • Screening for tobacco use
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Screening for mental disorders
  • Screening for substance use
  • Complete medical history/physical exam

Age Groups

  • Young adults
  • Adults

Ancillary Services

  • Case management service
  • Suicide prevention services
  • Early intervention for HIV
  • Opioid use disorder clients only


Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA):

DEA accreditation refers to the process by which a law enforcement agency is recognized by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as having met specific training, operational, and resource requirements necessary to participate in DEA-led drug enforcement efforts. This accreditation allows the agency to perform DEA-related tasks such as conducting investigations, executing federal search warrants, and participating in joint task forces.

SAMHSA certification for opioid treatment program (OTP):

Accreditation by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) signifies that a program has met strict standards for providing high-quality care to individuals with opioid use disorders. It assures patients, families, and communities that the OTP follows evidence-based practices, employs qualified staff and maintains a safe and effective treatment environment. This accreditation reflects the program's commitment to addressing the opioid epidemic and promoting recovery.

The Joint Commission:

The Joint Commission accreditation for addiction and behavioral health is a prestigious recognition signifying a facility's commitment to delivering high-quality care and safety for individuals dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues. It involves rigorous evaluations and assessments, ensuring patients receive evidence-based treatment and exceptional care. This accreditation demonstrates a facility's dedication to continuous improvement and ethical practices, building trust among patients and healthcare professionals seeking top-tier addiction and behavioral health services.

Effective date: 06/13/2015

Registration: 358757

Treatment At DM and ADR

Conditions Treated


Alcohol addiction is a condition where a person's brain gets used to having alcohol, making it hard for them to control their drinking. This can lead to feeling down, acting without thinking, wanting alcohol strongly, and feeling sick if they don't drink. To help with this, treatment programs are available. These usually include a guided process to safely stop drinking, talking with professionals to work through problems, and joining support groups with others facing similar issues. While these treatments can't fully cure the addiction, they provide tools and support to help individuals live a better life and keep their drinking under control.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation is a comprehensive treatment approach designed to assist individuals struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol. This form of rehabilitation addresses both the physical dependency, often starting with detoxification, and the psychological triggers, using various therapeutic methods. The objective is to empower individuals to achieve and maintain sobriety, while equipping them with the tools and coping strategies needed to reintegrate into society and lead a substance-free life.

Levels Of Care


Outpatient programs are designed for individuals in stable medical condition with a low risk of relapse, often those who've completed inpatient treatment. These programs extend the foundation of prior treatment approaches, offering continuous addiction guidance and resources for sustained recovery. For those transitioning straight from detox, medical and psychological assessments are typically conducted, leading to the development of individualized treatment strategies. The majority of outpatient rehab centers provide diverse care levels, customized to each client's unique requirements.

Outpatient detoxification:

Ambulatory Detox is a form of outpatient detoxification from substances like drugs or alcohol. In this model, patients undergo medically supervised detox by skilled clinicians, often in settings like clinics, healthcare facilities, or even their own homes. This method is typically more flexible and cost-effective compared to inpatient detox.

Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine or naltrexone treatment:

Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is a comprehensive treatment program for individuals with opioid use disorder. It involves the long-term prescribing of methadone, a synthetic opioid, to patients in an effort to reduce or eliminate their use of illicit opioids, such as heroin. When provided at an appropriate dose and in conjunction with counseling and other support services, MMT can help to stabilize patients' lives, reduce illicit drug use, and lower the risks of drug-related harm, such as overdose and transmission of infectious diseases.


Aftercare is the continued support and care that individuals receive following the completion of their primary treatment program for substance abuse or addiction. This phase aims to aid individuals in maintaining their sobriety, improving personal skills and coping strategies, and integrating back into society. Aftercare can include ongoing therapy, support group meetings, education, and monitoring, which are crucial for preventing relapse and promoting long-term recovery. Through a combination of community support, accountability, and personal development, aftercare provides a structured pathway for individuals to continue their recovery journey in a supportive environment.

Treatment Modalities

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the critical role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It aims to identify and challenge distorted or negative thought patterns and behaviors, teaching individuals to replace them with more constructive and rational beliefs. CBT is evidence-based and has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of psychological disorders, including depression, anxiety, and phobias, among others.

Substance use disorder counseling:

Substance use disorder counseling treatment modalities refer to various approaches and methods used in the counseling and treatment of individuals with substance use problems. This can include individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, family therapy, and 12-step programs. The goal is to help the individual overcome their substance use, develop healthy coping skills, and lead a fulfilling life in recovery.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma-related counseling addresses the deeply rooted psychological wounds and distress that often coexist with substance use disorders. Recognizing that past traumatic experiences can play a significant role in the onset and persistence of addiction, this therapeutic approach aims to help individuals understand and process their trauma, develop coping skills, and work towards healing. Individuals are better equipped to achieve long-term recovery and improved mental well-being by simultaneously addressing both trauma and addiction.

Group counseling:

Group Therapy is a therapeutic space where individuals battling addiction come together to share experiences, gain insights, and support one another on their journey to recovery. Facilitated by trained professionals, this setting fosters communal healing and empowers participants to overcome the challenges of addiction through collective strength and understanding.

Intervention Services:

Intervention refers to organized efforts designed to guide individuals away from potentially harmful behaviors or decisions and towards healthier alternatives. Often used in the context of substance abuse or addiction, these services employ a structured approach where professionals, loved ones, and peers come together to confront the individual in a supportive manner, emphasizing the need for change and providing pathways for treatment or assistance. The goal is to break through denial, facilitate recognition of the problem, and initiate positive change.

Contingency management/motivational incentives:

Contingency management and motivational incentives are evidence-based treatment modalities used in addiction and behavioral health programs. Contingency management involves the use of rewards to reinforce positive behaviors and change negative behaviors, while motivational incentives provide incentives to engage in treatment and sustain recovery. Both approaches are designed to increase motivation and engagement in treatment and have been shown to be effective in promoting positive outcomes.

Motivational interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a clinical approach to helping people with substance abuse issues and other conditions shift behavior in positive ways. It is more goal-oriented than traditional psychotherapy, as MI counselors directly attempt to get clients to consider making behavioral change (rather than wait for them to come to conclusions themselves). Its primary purpose is to resolve ambivalence and help clients become able to make healthy choices freely.

Anger management:

"Anger Management" refers to a set of therapeutic techniques and exercises that help individuals recognize the signs of their growing anger and take action to calm down and deal with situations in a constructive manner. It aims to reduce both emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger can cause, ensuring that anger does not lead to aggressive outbursts or other harmful actions. Individuals can navigate tense situations with more remarkable composure and control by understanding triggers and developing healthy coping strategies.

Relapse prevention:

The Relapse Prevention Model is a cognitive-behavioral approach designed to teach individuals who are trying to maintain behavioral changes (like sobriety from drugs or alcohol) how to anticipate and cope with the potential for relapse. The model emphasizes the importance of understanding the processes and triggers that lead to relapse, developing strategies to prevent initial lapse, and minimizing the severity and duration if a lapse occurs. It's grounded in the belief that relapses can be viewed as learning opportunities, helping individuals strengthen their commitment and skills to avoid future setbacks.

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual Psychotherapy is a personalized therapeutic approach aimed at aiding individuals in overcoming addiction and its underlying psychological triggers. A licensed therapist works closely with the individual through one-on-one sessions to unearth and address personal challenges, emotional issues, and behavioral patterns contributing to their substance abuse. Individual psychotherapy lays a robust foundation for a sustainable recovery and a better quality of life by fostering self-awareness, coping strategies, and healthier behavioral responses.

Ancillary Services

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • Mentoring/peer support
  • Breathalyzer or blood alcohol testing

Special Programs

  • Clients who have experienced trauma

Contact Information

DM and ADR
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1710 Commerce Road, Athens, Georgia, 30607
Updated December 29, 2023

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