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Delray Beach, Florida

Florida Recovery Group

Rehab Center
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Grants and Private Insurance accepted
Who Answers?


Florida Recovery Group is an accredited substance abuse treatment center that provides inpatient and outpatient detoxification, for men from 18+ years of age. As part of their special programs, Florida Recovery Group treats clients who have experienced trauma, clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders, and veterans. To help patients achieve sobriety, Florida Recovery Group provides intake assessments. Afterward, patients receive 12-step facilitation, individual psychotherapy, and trauma-related counseling during treatment. Florida Recovery Group is located in Delray Beach, Florida, providing treatment for people in Palm Beach County, accepting cash or self-payment, private health insurance, and medicare.

Florida Recovery Group at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Cash or self-payment
  • Private health insurance
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Federal military insurance (e.g., TRICARE)


  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment
  • Screening for mental disorders
  • Screening for substance use
  • Complete medical history/physical exam

Age Groups

  • Adults
  • Young adults

Ancillary Services

  • Case management service
  • Integrated primary care services
  • Suicide prevention services
  • Mental health services
  • Social skills development


The Joint Commission:

The Joint Commission's addiction and behavioral health accreditation signifies a facility's commitment to high-quality care. It involves rigorous evaluations and assessments of clinical practices, ensuring effective, evidence-based treatment. Accreditation showcases a dedication to continuous improvement and patient safety, instilling trust among patients, families, and healthcare professionals. It's a mark of excellence in addiction and behavioral health care.


Only programs and services that have successfully completed a rigorous application process initiated in 2018 can attain LegitScript certification. This stringent evaluation guarantees that only reputable mental health and co-occurring substance abuse treatment providers are eligible to be part of Google's network, ensuring compliance with HIPAA privacy laws.

State department of health:

Government agencies issue State Licenses, granting rehabilitation organizations permission to operate their businesses legally within specific geographic regions. The licenses needed for legal operation are typically determined by the type of rehabilitation program offered by a facility and its physical location.

Treatment At Florida Recovery Group

Conditions Treated

Mental health treatment:

Mental health treatment provides a safe and structured environment where individuals can receive professional care and support for their mental health challenges. Within the facility, trained therapists, counselors, and medical staff work together to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each person's needs. Patients might participate in a variety of therapies, including individual counseling, group therapy, and possibly medication management. The goal is to equip individuals with the tools and strategies they need to cope with their conditions and lead fulfilling lives.


Alcohol addiction is a condition where someone feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to drink alcohol, often leading to negative effects on their health, relationships, and daily life. To assist individuals grappling with alcohol addiction, various strategies exist. Initially, supervised detoxification may be necessary to ensure a safe cessation of alcohol consumption. Following this, counseling and therapy play a crucial role in addressing the psychological facets of the addiction. Engaging in support groups can also offer a sense of camaraderie and comprehension.

Opioid Addiction:

Opioid rehabilitation centers are dedicated to assisting individuals on the path to recovery from opioid addiction. They provide specialized care for those struggling with addiction to substances like heroin and prescription opioids such as oxycodone. These facilities offer a comprehensive approach, including medical detoxification, ongoing medical assistance (including medication-based treatment), and therapeutic support to address the root causes of addiction.

Substance use treatment:

Substance abuse treatment programs can help to address addiction and, if relevant, any co-occurring mental health conditions. Programs include outpatient, inpatient, dual-diagnosis, and partial hospitalization. The addict will receive therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, or dialectical behavioral therapy, and sometimes complementary therapies like acupuncture and mindfulness-based therapy. By attending skills training and recovery groups you’ll build a strong foundation for your recovery and strengthen your support network, increasing your chances of long-term recovery success.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabilitation centers specialize in the treatment of individuals who suffer from a co-occurring mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. This complex interplay between addiction and mental health can make recovery more challenging, as each condition may exacerbate the symptoms of the other. Dual-diagnosis rehabilitation centers offer an integrated approach that addresses both issues simultaneously and often includes a comprehensive assessment for an Integrated Treatment Approach through Holistic Therapies, including family therapy and aftercare treatment.

Levels Of Care

Partial Hospitalization Program:

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a short-term form of intensive rehab, usually for those with acute symptoms that are hard to manage but don’t require 24-hour care. PHPs have structured programming (i.e. individual and/or group therapy), and usually meet 3-5 days a week for around 6 hours (i.e. 9am-3m). Some PHPs are residential (patients sleep on site) and some are not, so patients sleep at home. PHPs can last from 1-6 months, and some offer transportation and meals.

Intensive outpatient treatment:

Intensive Outpatient (IOP) is a form of structured therapy designed to support individuals in recovery from addiction, mental health disorders, or other medical conditions. Unlike inpatient or residential treatment, where patients live at the facility, IOP allows individuals to receive high-level care while still living at home and maintaining specific day-to-day responsibilities. Typically, patients in IOP programs attend sessions multiple times per week, often totaling 9-20 hours or more. These sessions can include individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, and educational classes focused on skills and strategies for managing symptoms and preventing relapse.

Luxury Treatment:

Luxury rehabilitation extends far beyond conventional counseling within opulent hotel-like surroundings. It epitomizes the zenith of addiction treatment options. These high-end facilities emphasize personalized strategies designed to facilitate all-encompassing healing. In order to promote holistic recovery, which encompasses spiritual, physical, and mental well-being, luxury rehabilitation centers seamlessly combine a spectrum of health-enhancing activities and alternative therapies, harmoniously merging mindfulness practices with evidence-based methodologies.


Detoxification, often called detox, is like a reset button for the body after someone has been using drugs or alcohol. Its main job is to help people who want to quit these substances by easing the discomfort they might feel when they stop. Think of it as a way to clean out the harmful stuff in the body when someone has been using drugs or alcohol too much. Detoxification aims to make the process of quitting safer and less painful for the person.


Aftercare refers to the structured support and programs offered to individuals after completing an initial treatment phase for substance abuse or other disorders. Recognizing that recovery is an ongoing process, aftercare provides continued counseling, skill-building, group therapy, and resources to help individuals maintain sobriety, manage triggers, and reintegrate into daily life, reducing the risk of relapse and ensuring long-term success in recovery.

Halfway house:

Sober living homes or halfway houses, offer secure, substance-free, and supportive living arrangements for individuals in the process of recovering from substance abuse. These facilities are particularly beneficial for individuals who have recently completed inpatient or outpatient treatment programs. Halfway houses are carefully monitored environments with established guidelines aimed at fostering and maintaining sobriety, including curfews, shared household responsibilities, and therapeutic gatherings. Residents often receive training in essential life skills and coping strategies to facilitate a smoother transition into mainstream society. Additionally, it cultivates a strong sense of community that fosters deep and enduring connections with fellow individuals in recovery, promoting a fresh and healthy lifestyle.


Outpatient treatment in a rehab center offers flexible therapy sessions, typically ranging from 1-3 hours per week, allowing individuals to continue daily activities while receiving care. In contrast, intensive outpatient programs demand a more rigorous commitment, often involving 9-15 hours weekly, providing a more immersive therapeutic environment without the need for inpatient stays.

Hospital inpatient treatment:

Inpatient treatment involves an intensive, residential therapeutic program designed to treat serious addictions or other medical conditions. With a typical stay ranging from 30 to 90 days, individuals receive a structured regimen of various therapies including individual and group counseling, behavioral therapies, and family counseling. Under professional supervision, patients immerse themselves in a supportive environment, conducive to addressing underlying issues and promoting long-term recovery.

Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine or naltrexone treatment:

Buprenorphine, sold under brand names such as Subutex, is a drug used to address opioid addiction. It can lessen or significantly diminish withdrawal effects, making the cessation of opioid use more manageable. Frequently paired with naloxone, the dosage is tailored to each person's specific needs. Some individuals prefer prolonged buprenorphine use, while others gradually decrease their dosage with the aim of ceasing its consumption.

Outpatient day treatment or partial hospitalization:

Outpatient day treatment or partial hospitalization level of care is a type of mental health treatment that provides a high level of care outside of a traditional inpatient setting. It typically involves intensive therapy and support services for several hours each day, several days per week. This level of care is designed for individuals who require more support than traditional outpatient therapy but do not need 24-hour inpatient care.

Regular outpatient treatment:

Regular Outpatient Treatment is a flexible and accessible option for individuals seeking recovery from addiction or substance abuse. This program typically involves attending therapy and counseling sessions on a part-time basis, often ranging from one to three sessions per week. These sessions are designed to provide essential support, guidance, and tools for individuals to overcome addiction, manage cravings, and work towards a healthier, sober lifestyle. Regular Outpatient Treatment offers the advantage of maintaining daily routines and responsibilities while receiving the necessary therapeutic interventions to foster lasting recovery.

Treatment Modalities

12-step facilitation:

12-Step Facilitation is a structured approach to recovery used in many rehab facilities. It's rooted in the principles and practices of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and its 12-step program. The facilitation process promotes abstinence and supports individuals in becoming actively involved in 12-step self-help groups. The approach emphasizes personal responsibility, spiritual growth, and the importance of peer support to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse. By guiding individuals through each step, 12-step Facilitation aids participants in understanding the underlying causes of their addiction, seeking amends, and fostering a commitment to lifelong recovery.

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual Psychotherapy is a personalized therapeutic approach aimed at aiding individuals in overcoming addiction and its underlying psychological triggers. A licensed therapist works closely with the individual through one-on-one sessions to unearth and address personal challenges, emotional issues, and behavioral patterns contributing to their substance abuse. Individual psychotherapy lays a robust foundation for a sustainable recovery and a better quality of life by fostering self-awareness, coping strategies, and healthier behavioral responses.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma-related counseling addresses the deeply rooted psychological wounds and distress that often coexist with substance use disorders. Recognizing that past traumatic experiences can play a significant role in the onset and persistence of addiction, this therapeutic approach aims to help individuals understand and process their trauma, develop coping skills, and work towards healing. Individuals are better equipped to achieve long-term recovery and improved mental well-being by simultaneously addressing both trauma and addiction.

Life Skills:

Life skills training equips individuals with essential competencies, such as time management, career planning, financial literacy, and effective communication, to navigate the challenges of daily life. These skills are foundational to achieving not just sobriety but a thriving, fulfilling life post-addiction. Such training lays the groundwork for sustainable success and long-term recovery.

Nutrition Therapy:

Nutrition therapy, often referred to as medical nutrition therapy (MNT), harnesses the power of diet to address physical, emotional, and medical challenges. Expert nutritionists or registered dietitians craft specialized dietary strategies for individuals, guiding them to enhance both their physical and psychological well-being through food choices.

Group counseling:

Group Therapy is a therapeutic space where individuals battling addiction come together to share experiences, gain insights, and support one another on their journey to recovery. Facilitated by trained professionals, this setting fosters communal healing and empowers participants to overcome the challenges of addiction through collective strength and understanding.

Family counseling:

Studies consistently show that the likelihood of sustainable recovery increases when family members are involved in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic elements might influence susceptibility to drug and alcohol dependence and mental health challenges. Family interactions frequently contribute to addiction triggers. However, with the right education, family members can become pivotal support pillars during rehabilitation.

Recreational Therapy:

Recreational therapy, within the realm of behavioral health, involves using various recreational activities and interventions to support, maintain, or improve individuals' psychological, emotional, and social well-being. Using art, music, sports, games, and nature excursions, recreational therapists reduce stress, enhance mood, promote interpersonal skills, and improve overall mental health. Tailored to the individual's needs and interests, this therapeutic approach provides an engaging means to foster resilience, self-expression, and personal growth.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely practiced form of psychotherapy that seeks to address dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts through a goal-oriented, systematic process. It encourages individuals to challenge distorted cognitions and change destructive patterns of behavior by promoting self-awareness and effective coping strategies. CBT is often used to treat a range of disorders including anxiety, depression, and stress, making it a versatile and practical therapeutic approach. Through enhancing an individual's capacity to manage life's challenges, CBT contributes to improved mental well-being and overall quality of life.

Substance use disorder counseling:

Substance use disorder counseling treatment modalities refer to various approaches and methods used in the counseling and treatment of individuals with substance use problems. This can include individual therapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, family therapy, and 12-step programs. The goal is to help the individual overcome their substance use, develop healthy coping skills, and lead a fulfilling life in recovery.

Smoking/vaping/tobacco cessation counseling:

Tobacco cessation counseling is a dialogue with a counselor about your tobacco or vaping habits, examining its place in your daily life to strategize quitting. It offers interventions for individuals keen on quitting, encompassing behavioral guidance and group or one-on-one counseling. These sessions can range from short encounters (under 5 minutes) to in-depth discussions (over 10 minutes) and might require multiple meetings.

Treatment for gambling disorder:

Treatment for Gambling Disorder is a targeted approach to help those with compulsive gambling habits regain control. It involves therapies like CBT, financial counseling, and support groups to promote healthier behaviors and financial stability, enabling individuals to overcome their addiction and lead fulfilling lives.

Intervention Services:

"Intervention" refers to a deliberate action or set of actions taken to directly address and alter a specific situation or behavior. Often used in contexts like medicine, psychology, and social work, interventions are designed to prompt positive change, whether it's to prevent harm, improve health, or enhance the quality of life. They can range from medical procedures to address health issues, to structured meetings aimed at helping individuals combat addiction or destructive behaviors.

Anger management:

Anger Management is a therapeutic approach aimed at helping individuals recognize the triggers and signs of their anger and teaching them effective ways to calm down and deal with the situations in a positive manner. Through a blend of counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and practical skill development, individuals learn to reduce aggressive responses, improve communication, and enhance interpersonal relationships, contributing to a better quality of life.

Relapse prevention:

The Relapse Prevention Model is a cognitive-behavioral approach designed to help individuals anticipate and effectively cope with potential challenges and high-risk situations that may lead to a return to undesired behaviors, often after a period of abstinence or behavior change. This model emphasizes the importance of recognizing early warning signs, developing coping strategies, and building self-efficacy to sustain positive change and avoid setbacks. Commonly used in addiction therapy, it can also be applied to other areas where behavior change is sought, such as weight management or anger control.

Treatment for other addiction disorder:

Treatment for other addiction disorders typically involve a combination of therapy and medication. This may include individual therapy, group therapy, and behavioral therapy. Medications may be prescribed to help manage symptoms and reduce cravings. Additionally, support groups and aftercare programs can be beneficial in maintaining recovery and preventing relapse. The treatment modality should be tailored to the individual's specific needs and circumstances.

Ancillary Services

Additional Services

  • Pharmacotherapies administered during treatment
  • Housing services
  • Breathalyzer or blood alcohol testing

Special Programs

  • Clients who have experienced trauma
  • Clients with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders
  • Veterans
  • Active duty military
  • Members of military families

Contact Information

Florida Recovery Group
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1300 NW 17th Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida, 33445
Updated October 11, 2023

DISCLAIMER: The facility name, logo and brand are the property and registered trademarks of Florida Recovery Group, and are being used for identification and informational purposes only. Use of these names, logos and brands shall not imply endorsement. BetterAddictionCare.com is not affiliated with or sponsored by Florida Recovery Group.

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