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Eureka, California

Crestwood Behavioral Health Center

Rehab Center
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Self-payment options
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Crestwood Behavioral Health Center is an accredited substance abuse treatment center that provides inpatient treatment for men and women from 18+ years of age. As part of their special programs, Crestwood Behavioral Health Center treats clients with hiv or aids, active duty military, and persons with eating disorders. To help patients achieve sobriety, Crestwood Behavioral Health Center provides intake assessments. Afterward, patients receive family counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy during treatment. Crestwood Behavioral Health Center is located in Eureka, California, providing treatment for people in Humboldt County, accepting county or local government funds, state corrections or juvenile justice funds, and cash or self-payment.

Crestwood Behavioral Health Center at a Glance

Payment Options

  • County or local government funds
  • State corrections or juvenile justice funds
  • Cash or self-payment
  • State mental health agency (or equivalent) funds
  • U.S. Department of VA funds


  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment

Age Groups

  • Adults
  • Young adults


  • Private for-profit organization


Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF):

CARF accreditation is a prestigious recognition for organizations in rehabilitation and human services. It signifies that an organization meets rigorous quality standards and is committed to providing top-notch care. Achieving CARF accreditation involves a thorough evaluation process, including on-site surveys, to ensure excellence in programs and services. This accreditation boosts an organization's credibility, assures clients and funders of quality, and promotes ongoing improvement in the field of rehabilitation and human services.

Treatment At Crestwood Behavioral Health Center

Conditions Treated

Mental health treatment:

Mental health treatment provides a safe and structured environment where individuals can receive professional care and support for their mental health challenges. Within the facility, trained therapists, counselors, and medical staff work together to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each person's needs. Patients might participate in a variety of therapies, including individual counseling, group therapy, and possibly medication management. The goal is to equip individuals with the tools and strategies they need to cope with their conditions and lead fulfilling lives.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation is a structured program aimed at assisting individuals in overcoming their dependencies on drugs or alcohol. Through a combination of medical detoxification, counseling, and various therapeutic approaches, these programs strive to address the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. The goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to attain lasting sobriety, while also working to identify and address the underlying issues contributing to substance misuse. By fostering a supportive environment, substance use rehabilitation centers provide a pathway towards a healthier, substance-free life.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabs are usually the appropriate solution to treat co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. These facilities typically employ medical and behavioral experts who use a range of interventions, together with the right healing environment, for you to achieve and sustain long-term recovery. Treatment usually includes evidence-based therapies (like cognitive behavioral therapy), recovery support meetings, 12-step facilitation, psychoeducation, skills training, and group therapy.

Levels Of Care

Hospital inpatient treatment:

Inpatient treatment comprises a thorough residential therapeutic program, during which patients reside on-site for a period generally lasting from 30 to 90 days. This immersive setting provides organized assistance, guaranteeing safety and a dedicated approach to recovery. The array of therapies available encompasses individual and group counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, holistic interventions, family therapy sessions, and experiential therapies. The primary goal is to address the physical, emotional, and psychological facets of addiction or mental health disorders, establishing a strong foundation for enduring healing.

Treatment Modalities

Family counseling:

Family Counseling is a therapeutic approach that seeks to address and improve communication, understanding, and dynamics within a family unit. By addressing conflicts, emotional distress, and behavioral challenges, a trained therapist provides guidance and tools for family members to strengthen bonds, resolve issues, and foster a healthier family environment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely practiced form of psychotherapy that seeks to address dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts through a goal-oriented, systematic process. It encourages individuals to challenge distorted cognitions and change destructive patterns of behavior by promoting self-awareness and effective coping strategies. CBT is often used to treat a range of disorders including anxiety, depression, and stress, making it a versatile and practical therapeutic approach. Through enhancing an individual's capacity to manage life's challenges, CBT contributes to improved mental well-being and overall quality of life.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a form of psychotherapy that blends cognitive-behavioral approaches with mindfulness strategies. It is particularly effective in treating addiction, as it addresses the underlying emotional pain and destructive behaviors that often accompany substance misuse. Through enhancing emotional regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and mindfulness, DBT equips individuals with the coping skills necessary to maintain sobriety and improve their overall quality of life.

Eating Disorder Treatment:

Eating Disorder Treatment is a specialized approach to help individuals struggling with disordered eating patterns. It involves therapies, counseling, and medical monitoring by a team of professionals to promote recovery, address underlying causes, and improve overall well-being. The goal is to establish a healthier relationship with food and self-image, facilitating long-term recovery and well-being.

Group counseling:

Group counseling provides a supportive environment where individuals share personal experiences and insights, under the guidance of a professional counselor. It facilitates self-awareness, fosters interpersonal learning, and helps members work through personal and relational challenges. Through shared dialogue and reflection, individuals learn coping strategies, gain emotional support, and experience personal growth within a communal setting.

Experiential Therapy:

Experiential therapy is a therapeutic approach that encourages patients to identify and address hidden or subconscious issues through activities, interactions, and role-playing. Instead of focusing solely on talking, therapists use experiential techniques to help clients relive past traumas, express emotions, and gain insights into their behaviors. The aim is to foster personal growth and enhance self-awareness by immersing individuals in experiences that can lead to a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships.

Nutrition Therapy:

Nutrition therapy is a tailored dietary approach to managing and preventing certain medical conditions. Administered by registered dietitians or nutrition professionals, it involves the assessment of an individual's nutritional status and the development of personalized nutrition strategies to optimize health and manage specific health concerns.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma therapy addresses the underlying emotional and psychological wounds that may contribute to an individual's substance abuse. Through a combination of psychotherapy and coping strategies, individuals are aided in processing past traumatic experiences, understanding the impact of trauma on their current behavior, and developing healthier coping mechanisms. This holistic approach fosters resilience, aids in the resolution of trauma, and is fundamental in supporting individuals on their path toward sustained recovery from addiction.

Motivational Interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a clinical approach to helping people with substance abuse issues and other conditions shift behavior in positive ways. It is more goal-oriented than traditional psychotherapy, as MI counselors directly attempt to get clients to consider making behavioral change (rather than wait for them to come to conclusions themselves). Its primary purpose is to resolve ambivalence and help clients become able to make healthy choices freely.

Life Skills:

Life skills training equips individuals with essential competencies, such as time management, career planning, financial literacy, and effective communication, to navigate the challenges of daily life. These skills are foundational to achieving not just sobriety but a thriving, fulfilling life post-addiction. Such training lays the groundwork for sustainable success and long-term recovery.

Creative Arts Therapy:

Creative Arts Therapy is a therapeutic approach that integrates visual arts, music, drama, dance, and other creative processes to foster self-expression, emotional healing, and personal development. By tapping into the transformative power of the arts, therapists help individuals explore and communicate emotions, navigate challenges, and achieve greater self-awareness. It is suitable for individuals of all ages and offers a unique, non-verbal avenue to address psychological and emotional needs.

Intervention Services:

Intervention is a set of structured processes or strategies designed to assist individuals in recognizing and addressing problematic behaviors, such as substance abuse, addiction, or mental health issues. These services typically involve a team of professionals or trained individuals who work collaboratively to guide and support the person in need and their loved ones, aiming to facilitate a pathway to recovery or appropriate treatment.

Religious Programs:

Religion used during treatment means a specific religion is used as the basis for care and treatment at a specific rehab facility or support group. Whether that faith is Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or another religion, it is the central guiding principle behind the care. Counselors, support materials (like books or workbooks), and peers use that faith to support patients in finding their way to recovery. Surrendering to a higher power can be a relief to many patients, and religion can help those in recovery realize they're worthy or love and forgiveness. Connecting with their religion can provide patients a strong foundation for addiction recovery, and inspire comfort, support, and guidance in a deep, meaningful way.

Individual psychotherapy:

In individual therapy, a person engages in a one-on-one session with a qualified therapist or counselor. This therapeutic approach is crucial in successful substance abuse treatment because it delves into the underlying causes of addiction, addressing issues the individual may encounter in their familial, social, and professional or academic environments.

Ancillary Services


  • Spanish

Special Programs

  • Clients with HIV or AIDS
  • Active duty military
  • Persons with eating disorders
  • Clients who have experienced trauma

Contact Information

Crestwood Behavioral Health Center
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2370 Buhne street, Eureka, California, 95501
Updated July 25, 2023

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