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The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Rehab Center
Outpatient Treatment
Accredited Medical Provider
Private Insurance and Self-payment accepted
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The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab


The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab is an accredited substance abuse treatment center that provides inpatient and outpatient detoxification, for men and women from 18+ years of age. As part of their special programs, The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab treats clients with hiv or aids and clients who have experienced trauma. To help patients achieve sobriety, The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab provides intake assessments. Afterward, patients receive 12-step facilitation, group counseling, and individual psychotherapy during treatment. The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab is located in Lake Worth, Florida, providing treatment for people in Palm Beach County, accepting private health insurance, cash or self-payment, and monthly.

The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab at a Glance

Payment Options

  • Private health insurance
  • Cash or self-payment
  • Monthly
  • Aetna
  • Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield


  • Comprehensive mental health assessment
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment

Age Groups

  • Adults
  • Young adults


  • Private for-profit organization


The Joint Commission:

The Joint Commission's addiction and behavioral health accreditation signifies a facility's commitment to high-quality care. It involves rigorous evaluations and assessments of clinical practices, ensuring effective, evidence-based treatment. Accreditation showcases a dedication to continuous improvement and patient safety, instilling trust among patients, families, and healthcare professionals. It's a mark of excellence in addiction and behavioral health care.

Effective date: 01/23/2016

Registration: 478917

State department of health:

Government agencies issue State Licenses, granting rehabilitation organizations permission to operate their businesses lawfully within specific geographic regions. The specific licenses needed for legal operation are typically determined by the type of rehabilitation program offered by the facility and its physical location.

Registration: 5026376590201


LegitScript certification is awarded to programs and services that successfully complete a stringent application process initiated in 2018. This process ensures eligibility for credible providers offering mental health and co-occurring substance abuse treatment within Google's network while complying with HIPAA privacy laws.


The NAATP accreditation is a recognized addiction and behavioral health standard. This accreditation signifies that a treatment facility or program has met specific criteria and standards set by NAATP, demonstrating a commitment to providing quality care and services to individuals seeking treatment for addiction and behavioral health issues. Facilities and programs accredited by NAATP are evaluated on their adherence to established best practices, ensuring that clients receive comprehensive, evidence-based care to support their recovery journey.

SAMHSA certification for opioid treatment program (OTP):

SAMHSA's Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) accreditation is a rigorous recognition process that signifies an OTP's commitment to providing high-quality care for individuals dealing with opioid use disorders. It assures patients, families, and the community that the program adheres to evidence-based practices, employs qualified staff, and maintains a safe treatment environment. This accreditation is a symbol of quality and accountability, offering confidence in the program's ability to support individuals on their path to recovery from opioid addiction.

Treatment At The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Conditions Treated

Mental health treatment:

Mental health services are essential during treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, whether you receive treatment in an inpatient or outpatient setting. While receiving inpatient care, you can expect to have round-the-clock access to mental health therapists and medical staff. Additionally, you will likely receive a number of different therapies and mental health options like individual and group counseling, addiction and relapse prevention education, and coping skills training.


Alcohol addiction is when a person becomes physically and mentally dependent on alcohol, leading to mood swings, impulsive actions, intense cravings, and withdrawal symptoms. Treatment includes supervised detox, therapy, and support groups. It's important to note that rehabilitation doesn't "cure" alcoholism, but it helps individuals better manage their addiction, regain their ability to function in daily life, and improve their overall well-being.

Opioid Addiction:

Opioid rehabilitation centers are dedicated to assisting individuals on the path to recovery from opioid addiction. They provide specialized care for those struggling with addiction to substances like heroin and prescription opioids such as oxycodone. These facilities offer a comprehensive approach, including medical detoxification, ongoing medical assistance (including medication-based treatment), and therapeutic support to address the root causes of addiction.

Substance use treatment:

Substance use rehabilitation embodies a holistic treatment approach crafted to assist individuals contending with drug or alcohol addiction. This all-encompassing rehabilitation strategy encompasses two crucial components: initially addressing the physical dependency, frequently commencing with detoxification, and subsequently confronting the psychological triggers through a diverse array of therapeutic methods. The overarching objective is to empower individuals to achieve and maintain sobriety while equipping them with essential skills and coping mechanisms for a successful reintegration into society and a life free from substance abuse.

Co-occurring Disorders:

Dual-diagnosis rehabilitation centers focus on treating individuals with simultaneous mental health and substance use disorders. The intertwined nature of addiction and mental health issues can intensify each other's symptoms, complicating recovery. These centers provide a holistic treatment strategy addressing both conditions together, often encompassing thorough evaluations, a blend of therapeutic methods, family counseling, and post-treatment care.

Levels Of Care

Partial Hospitalization Program:

A Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is a structured short-term intensive rehabilitation service primarily aimed at individuals with acute symptoms that are challenging to manage but do not necessitate round-the-clock care. PHPs typically run 3-5 days a week for about 6 hours each day, from 1 to 6 months, offering structured activities such as individual and/or group therapy. While some PHPs offer residential facilities allowing patients to stay overnight, others operate on a non-residential basis, enabling patients to return home each evening.

Intensive outpatient treatment:

IOP, or Intensive Outpatient, is a structured level of care for addiction, mental health, or other conditions. Unlike inpatient care, it allows individuals live at home and maintain daily responsibilities. They attend multiple weekly sessions totaling 9-20 hours, including individual and group therapy, family counseling, and skill-building classes for symptom management and relapse prevention.


Detoxification, often shortened to detox, is like giving the body a fresh start by getting rid of harmful substances like drugs or alcohol someone may have taken. When a person stops taking these substances, they might feel sick or uncomfortable as their body adjusts to the change. Detox helps ease these uncomfortable feelings while making sure the harmful substances are removed from the body in a safe way. This process helps prevent any additional harm caused by the drugs or alcohol.


Finishing a drug or alcohol rehab program is just the beginning of the recovery journey. Aftercare focuses on establishing a long-term recovery plan, which encompasses continuous support. This might involve options such as residing in sober living homes or halfway houses, receiving career guidance, and connecting the individual with community support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).


Outpatient treatment in a rehab center offers structured therapeutic services for individuals seeking recovery without full-time residential admission. Unlike intensive outpatient programs, which demand more frequent and longer sessions, standard outpatient care provides a more flexible approach, allowing participants to maintain daily activities and responsibilities while undergoing treatment.

Hospital inpatient treatment:

Inpatient treatment involves a comprehensive residential therapeutic program where patients stay on-site for a duration typically ranging from 30 to 90 days. This immersive environment offers structured support, ensuring safety and a focus on recovery. Therapies provided include individual and group counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, holistic treatments, family therapy sessions, and experiential therapies. The aim is to address addiction or mental health disorders' physical, emotional, and psychological aspects, laying a robust foundation for sustained healing.

Treatment Modalities

12-step facilitation:

Recovery models grounded in 12-step programs prominently incorporate peer coaching, strongly emphasizing personal growth as the pathway to enduring sobriety. Regular participation in 12-step meetings, known for their anonymity, cost-free access, and daily availability, is encouraged. The 12 steps of recovery, anchored in spiritual principles, guide participants in unraveling the core issues of their addiction, taking accountability for their decisions, and coming to terms with aspects beyond their control. Chosen by the individuals themselves, sponsors offer personalized one-on-one mentorship, aiding in navigating through the recovery journey.

Group counseling:

Group counseling provides a supportive environment where individuals share personal experiences and insights, under the guidance of a professional counselor. It facilitates self-awareness, fosters interpersonal learning, and helps members work through personal and relational challenges. Through shared dialogue and reflection, individuals learn coping strategies, gain emotional support, and experience personal growth within a communal setting.

Individual psychotherapy:

Individual therapy is a one-on-one therapeutic interaction between a therapist and a client to address personal challenges, foster self-awareness, and promote mental, emotional, and behavioral growth. This setting provides a confidential and supportive environment for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, identify goals, and develop coping strategies. Individual therapy can be beneficial for a range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, stress management, relationship issues, and life transitions.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely practiced form of psychotherapy that seeks to address dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts through a goal-oriented, systematic process. It encourages individuals to challenge distorted cognitions and change destructive patterns of behavior by promoting self-awareness and effective coping strategies. CBT is often used to treat a range of disorders including anxiety, depression, and stress, making it a versatile and practical therapeutic approach. Through enhancing an individual's capacity to manage life's challenges, CBT contributes to improved mental well-being and overall quality of life.

Nutrition Therapy:

Nutrition Therapy offers a holistic approach to recovery by addressing the body's dietary needs. Tailored to each individual, this therapy ensures optimal nutrient intake to support healing, boost immunity, and promote overall well-being, complementing other rehabilitation efforts for a comprehensive recovery journey.

Life Skills:

Life skills training encompasses essential skills for individuals to navigate daily challenges successfully. This training includes time management, career guidance, money management, and effective communication, which are crucial for holistic addiction recovery. By mastering these skills, individuals are not only able to live substance-free but also thrive. Life skills training thus provides the practical tools for functional living in society, setting clients on a path toward lasting sobriety and success in life.

Family counseling:

Family Counseling is a therapeutic approach that seeks to address and improve communication, understanding, and dynamics within a family unit. By addressing conflicts, emotional distress, and behavioral challenges, a trained therapist provides guidance and tools for family members to strengthen bonds, resolve issues, and foster a healthier family environment.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive-behavioral approach specifically designed to help individuals regulate emotions, enhance interpersonal effectiveness, develop distress tolerance, and increase mindfulness. In addiction treatment, DBT equips individuals with practical skills to manage triggers, cope with stressors, and build a life worth living without resorting to substance use. By addressing both the emotional and behavioral challenges of addiction, DBT fosters personal growth and long-term recovery.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy:

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach designed primarily to treat trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It involves the patient recalling traumatic events while undergoing bilateral sensory input, typically guided eye movements. EMDR aims to facilitate processing distressing memories, reducing their long-term impact, and helping individuals develop more adaptive coping mechanisms.


Hypnotherapy, often referred to as guided hypnosis, is a therapeutic approach utilized to address substance use, particularly for those aiming to quit smoking cigarettes. By helping clients focus inwardly, clinical hypnotherapists enable access to the subconscious, introducing healthier suggestions. This method paves the way for profound, enduring transformations, including breaking free from addictive behaviors.

Creative Arts Therapy:

Creative Arts Therapy is a therapeutic approach that integrates visual arts, music, drama, dance, and other creative processes to foster self-expression, emotional healing, and personal development. By tapping into the transformative power of the arts, therapists help individuals explore and communicate emotions, navigate challenges, and achieve greater self-awareness. It is suitable for individuals of all ages and offers a unique, non-verbal avenue to address psychological and emotional needs.

Marital/couples counseling:

Whether a marriage or other committed relationship, an intimate partnership is one of the most important aspects of a person's life. Drug and alcohol addiction affects both members of a couple in deep and meaningful ways, as does rehab and recovery. Couples therapy and other couples-focused treatment programs are significant parts of exploring triggers of addiction, as well as learning how to build healthy patterns to support ongoing sobriety.

Fitness Therapy:

Fitness therapy in addiction treatment integrates physical activity with traditional therapeutic practices to support recovery. It recognizes the profound connection between the mind and body, harnessing exercise's physiological and psychological benefits to enhance mental well-being, reduce cravings, and promote overall health. Incorporating routines such as yoga, strength training, and aerobic exercises, fitness therapy offers a holistic approach that aids in building resilience, reducing stress, and fostering a positive self-image – essential components for a sustained recovery journey.

Motivational Interviewing:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) in addiction treatment is a client-centered counseling approach designed to enhance an individual's intrinsic motivation to change. By addressing ambivalence and tapping into personal values, MI fosters meaningful conversations about substance use and promotes commitment to recovery-focused goals.

Trauma-related counseling:

Trauma therapy addresses the underlying emotional and psychological wounds that may contribute to an individual's substance abuse. Through a combination of psychotherapy and coping strategies, individuals are aided in processing past traumatic experiences, understanding the impact of trauma on their current behavior, and developing healthier coping mechanisms. This holistic approach fosters resilience, aids in the resolution of trauma, and is fundamental in supporting individuals on their path toward sustained recovery from addiction.

Intervention Services:

Intervention services assist families and friends of addicts in orchestrating an intervention, a meeting where concerned individuals express their worries and urge the addict to seek treatment. Expert interventionists aid in planning, assembling, and conversing with the affected individual. They direct participants on how to convey the adverse effects of the addict's actions and emphasize the need for external assistance to tackle the addiction. The ultimate goal of an intervention is to encourage the addict to enter rehab and receive the necessary help.

Holistic Treatment:

Holistic Treatment refers to an integrated approach to recovery that addresses the physical aspects of addiction and the individual's emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. This method incorporates a variety of therapies, practices, and activities, such as nutrition, mindfulness, yoga, and counseling, to promote overall well-being, self-awareness, and balance. By treating the whole person, holistic treatment aims to ensure a more comprehensive and sustainable recovery.

Religious Programs:

Religious programs in rehab integrate spiritual principles and practices with traditional rehabilitation methods to offer holistic healing and recovery. These programs cater to individuals who seek solace in their faith and believe that spiritual growth can significantly complement their journey to sobriety. By incorporating prayer, meditation, religious teachings, and fellowship, these programs aim to strengthen one's spiritual foundation while addressing addiction's physical and psychological challenges. Whether rooted in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, or other faiths, religious programs provide an avenue for deeper introspection, community support, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Ancillary Services

Special Programs

  • Clients with HIV or AIDS
  • Clients who have experienced trauma
The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Additional Locations

Palmer Lake, Colorado, 80133
Eustis, Florida, 32726

Contact Information

The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Write a Review
4905 Lantana Road, Lake Worth, Florida, 33463
Updated July 25, 2023

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